

This is addressed to members of the First Nation Peoples, everywhere.
01/06/14 (Thu) 18:33
If the title of this means anything to you, or your community is on
the edge, then read on. I will endeavour to be brief.
The general view today is that Native communities throughout the
world, after the greatest of rearguard actions, some stretching back across
centuries, are finally expected to collapse within the next twenty years or
so. Your cultures - a treasure to the world - with of course your languages
will finally disappear. Many, indeed most, have already and long since succumbed.
Current situations are bleak. In many cases tragic; the nightmare
of social disintegration are everywhere apparent, you know the problems. I
have never meet anybody with a even ray of hope. There seems no way out.
Sad to say, it all seems so inevitable, doesn't it.

I am today using the extraordinary scope and peerless range of the
Internet, to try to reach you. This is what has happened,and why you can hope.
The closing action of the 20th Century, the Second Millennium in
some calendars, took place on Point Barrow, Alaska just as the new sun
dawned. That was at 12:58 on 23rd January 2001.
The US Government, appropriately the Bureau of Indian Affairs
repeated its Apology to Native America. This was done respectfully, on
knees and in utter sincerity. The European Union also made similar, sincere
gesture. it was all of noble beauty. Witnesses included Inupiat, Gwich'in,
Athabascan and a Mushuau Innu, as well as many non-native.
A group, led by self, left the polar bears of Point Barrow and this
little journey formed the closing chapter of the Longest Walk ever made; 23
years and 30,919 Km. We met a former Special Air Service soldier who
parachuted down as THE last act of the century. Both he, a Mr. John
Bitters, and I carried various documents including key, "Hope - From the
Land of the Polar Bear." This is your strategy.

Onlookers rush to the landing site of John"Jumper"Bitters
jump into the sunrise ceremony. Barrow, Alaska on 23th Jan.2001

In essence it is a sweeping Education reform. It culture centres
childrens' education, your children and it can give them feet firm in both
cultures, by returning your own culture back to you in full, bolstered and eternal.
The current education systems operated worldwide are Cultural
Destruction Engines. [This point was recognized by the BIA Apology.] And
not just for native front-line cultures either, but all cultures. You don't
(thankfully) have to take my word for this. America's fiercest agency, I
speak of the Immigration & Naturalization Service (INS), reviewed the
strategy over some two years and came to the conclusion, that this could
work. They issued the very rarely given "Extraordinary capacity" visas and
thus immediate "green cards" to all my family. Even the lawyer involved

decided to take no payment. Yes, I assure you, this is FOR REAL.
The time frame we are looking at by 12 years (from a start) should
be enough to see clear signs of change and a single generation of 30 years
should see the community safe. That is in the lifetime of many who read
this. We are not looking at incremental improvement either, but a sea
change. All social indictors should be up to or towards normal, or better
than normal. I for one do not consider current mainstream America as having
so much of a balance on desirable averages.
If still, after everything, you have the courage left to hope, then
do contact me. There is not much time. This must be a last chance or
thereabouts. No matter how dark the present you really can save your
culture; for the world and for always. Contact me. I will get you back a
copy of the strategy. There is no charge; it is from my pocket.

Good Wishes & Good Luck.

#2 John Jumper Bitters

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